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Planning Board Minutes- September 13, 2023

September 13, 2023

Paul Rejman – Chairman Dave Ultsch
Adam Daktor – Co-Chairman Tyler Terry
Allison Damiano-DeTraglia Sandy Pascucci, Secretary

• Call Meeting to order
• Pledge of Allegiance
• Approved August 9, 2023 Minutes (Daktor/Terry)

Old Business: None

New Business
• Alicia Clemente, 5054 Scamont, Tax ID 36-003-3-10: Boundary Line Adj.
New owner found boundary lines were mis-drawn, with neighbor on part of the property and therefore not allowing for adequate acreage to site a mobile home.
Solution presented was to adjust the boundary line, taking .02 acres from the adjoining Bates property (36-003-3-8) (see map) in order to meet requirements.
Approved (Terry/Daktor), with the recommendation that owner attempt to resolve additional boundary issues with C. Winters (36.003-3-11).

• David Shearer/Melanie Watson, 9376 Pineapple La:
Due to outstanding issues with Codes, the Board could not entertain any requests for another (4th) structure on the property. Several options were suggested for the owners to meet Codes conditions/requirements in order to move forward.

The issue was removed from the Planning Board Agenda: (Damiano-DeTraglia/Ultsch)

• Board members were asked to submit suggestions for updates/edits to the Site Review Law

Adjourn Meeting: Adjourned at 7:45 pm (Damiano-DeTraglia/Ultsch)

Next meeting scheduled for October 11, 2023