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Regular Town Board Meeting- July 19, 2023

13853 State Rte. 28, Forestport, N.Y. 13338
July 19, 2023 @6:30

PRESENT: Supervisor Entwistle
Councilwoman Kardash
Councilwoman Verschneider
Councilwoman Abrial
Councilman Scouten
ABSENT: No members of the Town Board were absent.

RECORDING SECRETARY: Tracy Terry, Town Clerk
A motion was made by Councilman Scouten and seconded by Councilwoman Verschneider to pay Abstract #7, Vouchers #90- #102 in the amount of $36,465.49
5 ayes/ 0 nays/ 0 absent MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Councilwoman Kardash and seconded by Councilwoman Abrial to pay Abstract #7, Vouchers #27- #30 in the amount of $247.75
5 ayes/ 0 nays/ 0 absent MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Councilwoman Abrial and seconded by Councilwoman Kardash to pay Abstract #7, Vouchers #54- #58 in the amount of $1,524.05.
5 ayes/ 0 nays/ 0 absent MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Councilwoman Verschneider and seconded by Councilwoman Kardash to pay Abstract #7, Vouchers #325- #389 in the amount of $37,114.38.
5 ayes/ 0 nays/ 0 absent MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Councilman Scouten and seconded by Councilwoman Kardash to pay Abstract #7, Vouchers #211- #237 in the amount of $96,230.33.
5 ayes/ 0 nays/0 absent MOTION CARRIED


A motion was made by Councilwoman Kardash and seconded by Councilwoman Abrial to pay Abstract #7, Vouchers #7- #8 in the amount of $100.00
5 ayes/ 0 nays/0 absent MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Councilwoman Kardash and seconded by Councilwoman Abrial to pay Abstract #7, Vouchers #9- #10 in the amount of $100.00
5 ayes/ 0 nays/0 absent MOTION CARRIED

A motion was made by Councilwoman Abrial and seconded by Councilman Scouten to accept the minutes from the:
Town Board Regular Meeting- June 21, 2023
Area Variance Hearing: Harris- June 21, 2023
5 ayes/ 0 nays/ 0 absent MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Councilwoman Kardash and seconded by Councilman Scouten to approve the reports as a whole.
5 ayes/ 0 nays/0 absent MOTION CARRIED
John Healt, of NOCCOG went over the monthly announcements.
• Buckhorn Transfer of deeds: Buckhorn is still in the process of transferring assets.
• Lucas Sewer Plant Operator: He has been approved by Oneida County Civil Service as the new Wastewater Treatment Plant Head Operator. Ted Daktor will be stepping down July 25 for Wastewater only.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Kardash and seconded by Councilwoman Verschneider to approve Lucas Kafka as the new Wastewater Plant Operator.
5 ayes/ 0 nays/0 absent MOTION CARRIED
• Grant Application for further Sewer Project funding: Jen is trying to get additional money the Sewer District is still responsible for.
• Entry Door Quotes: Supervisor Entwistle is waiting on the quote for the entry door and has had no quotes for the curb cut.
• Groomer: The groomer has been declared surplus equipment. Supervisor Entwistle read Resolution #3 of 2023 aloud.

A motion was made by Councilman Scouten and seconded by Councilwoman Abrial to approve Resolution #3 of 2023
5 ayes/ 0 nays/0 absent MOTION CARRIED

• Resolution to deed water rights to Woodgate Library for Community Hall: Supervisor Entwistle read Resolution #2 of 2023 aloud. Jessica, the Town Attorney will change the deeds.
A motion was made by Councilman Scouten and seconded by Councilwoman Abrial to approve Resolution #2 of 2023.
5 ayes/ 0 nays/0 absent MOTION CARRIED

• Forestport Dam/ Canal Issues: Supervisor Entwistle spoke with another local resident that had a timeline with the wastegate over the last year. Supervisor Entwistle spoke with Jessica Hart and FERK and shared the information with them. They will take this to the table. FERK said they would be reaching out with further information.
• Bower Road noise complaints: Supervisor Entwistle stated since last month’s meeting he has spoken with the Town Attorney, and she is working up a draft. Since then, the transgressors have been to court and have been fined. Supervisor Entwistle and Susan have been in contact. She has come up with a Public Nuisance Lawsuit. There’s a private lawsuit where a homeowner sues the transgressors personally. A public nuisance lawsuit where there’s a community that’s been tortured by a nuisance the municipality can file a lawsuit on behalf of the community. The town needs to know what portion of the information is applicable to the Town of Forestport and New York State from the Attorney. A woman from the gallery stated a Public Nuisance Ordinance is geared towards the individuals who are a nuisance. An abatement ordinance covers a wide range of things and would have the Code Enforcement Officer issue tickets. Supervisor Entwistle is considering shifting to a Full-Time Code Enforcement Officer with possibly a Clerk. The municipal jobs have expanded with all positions. If there is a Part time Codes Officer, they are limited to 20 hours a week. They work more than that but do not get paid for it. Councilwoman Verschneider asked about a Peace Officer. Supervisor Entwistle said towns used to have constables and he would look into it with the Attorney.
• Comprehensive Plan Update: The Comprehensive Plan Committee met with LaBella Associates to assist with the Comprehensive Plan. They would like to recommend to the Town Board the appointment of LaBella Associates to assist the town with the Comprehensive Plan. Their bid was $62,500.00. There’s $31,000 in grants for this and the other $31,000 will come out of the taxes for the next year to two years.

• Summer Rec: The children are having a great time.

• PBA Resignation: Susan O’Meara has submitted her resignation. An ad will be placed for a new member of the Planning Board of Appeals.
• Codes Personnel:
Councilman Scouten asked when Tony will be taking his test and it was answered he is working on it. Councilwoman Verschneider asked if Joe will be the new Codes Officer and it was answered he will be the Code Enforcement Officer of record, but Tony will be doing most of the work.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Abrial and seconded by Councilman Scouten to appoint Joe Rowlands as the Provisional Code Enforcement Officer until Tony can finish his certification.
5 ayes/ 0 nays/0 absent MOTION CARRIED

• NYMIR Renewal: The new quote for the town insurance is $41,000 which includes cybersecurity.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Kardash and seconded by Councilwoman Verschneider to accept the NYMIR quote.
5 ayes/ 0 nays/0 absent MOTION CARRIED
• Fall EXPO: Tracy Terry, the Town Clerk explained a little bit about the EXPO. It will be held September 27th from 10am-2pm. There will be vendors and food trucks.
• Boat wash Station Grant Application: Supervisor Entwistle discussed invasive species and the importance of boat washing for the Community. The cost is $171,0000. If this can be funded through grant money the first couple years, the DEC will pick up the cost of supplies, equipment and labor.

A motion was made by Councilman Scouten and seconded by Councilwoman Abrial to approve Resolution #4 of 2023.
5 ayes/ 0 nays/0 absent MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Councilwoman Verschneider and seconded by Councilwoman Kardash to adjourn the meeting.
5 ayes/ 0 nays/0 absent MOTION CARRIED
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 pm by Supervisor Entwistle.
Respectfully submitted,

Tracy M. Terry

Forestport Town Clerk

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